Thursday, April 19, 2012

Synthesis Questions for Exam

1.     In sociology and political science, the notion of social identity is connected with how we identify ourselves as members of particular groups—such as Nation, Social class, Subculture, Ethnicity, Gender, Employment, and so forth. In this sense sociologists and historians speak of a national identity of a particular country, and feminist and queer theorists speak of gender identity. Identity remains a troublesome issue for contemporary Native Americans. Many of the texts we have read contain protagonists trying to understand, come to terms with, and create/establish an identity. They struggle to understand who they are and what their relationship will be to the tribe and to the community/world outside of the reservation. With this in mind, evaluate what the course texts have to say about identity. What tensions exist? What issues are raised? What conclusions can be reached?
2.     Many native writers deal with the troublesome issue of race. How do the authors studied in this course negotiate race as 1) the government defines it (blood quantum); 2) the way that Natives themselves think of race; 3) the way that the dominant culture in America envisions race; 4) the way the Academy discusses race; 5) the way we as individuals understand race.
3.     Part of the tension in both writing about cultural experiences and in reading works from different cultures lies in the use and identification of genre. Genre studies rely on a structuralist approach to literary criticism. When studying a genre in this way, we examine the structural elements that combine in the telling of a story and find patterns in collections of stories. When these elements (or codes) begin to carry inherent information, a genre emerges. Writers use genres to communicate with readers; conversely, readers classify what they read according to genres. What are the advantages and disadvantages in viewing the works we have read from the perspective of genre?
4.     So much of understanding has to do with our ability to relate to things. If we can find something we can identify with then we often like it, value it, or even privilege it. Evaluate your own preferences in terms of what texts you like best and which ones you don’t. Assess how your preferences have affected your interpretation of the works you have read and your understanding of the Native experience.
5.     When we read literature of other cultures, we become acutely aware of how much we have depended on our past reading experiences, not only on what we learned in formal coursework but on what we have internalized during our own informal socialization as fundamental assumptions about human nature, the physical world, causation, and a host of other metaphysical beliefs. To open a discussion of any single Native American text is to immediately invoke a tangled web of issues that, in fact, will never become entirely sorted out in the limited time available in the classroom. Too often our strategy with the unfamiliar is to provide spurious contexts of Universality or of Otherness; both are merely masks for our own values, the first disguising their positive assertion, the second their projection as exact opposites. With this in mind, assess what general assertions we (you and the class) have made about the Native American experience from the texts we have read. Examine how our assertions may be limited and what other possibilities for interpretation may exist.
6.     Since contact, Native American people have been struggling to regain power that has been taken in increments.  If the Native American experience is an attempt to regain power and that power is not offered by the dominant culture, what does it say that these authors take on the language and tools of the colonizer? Do you think that these works are forms of resistance or mechanisms of enforcing/reinscribing the dominant culture?
7.     According to Gayatari Spivak, those who are the “subaltern” (those colonized) have been denied a voice; they are unable to speak. With this in mind, explore how the authors we have read attempt to subvert dominant, Western language conventions, augmenting them with nontraditional elements and forms. Consider the tension here that all of these are written in English, the language of the dominant culture. Is it possible that these writers as members of the subaltern are able to speak? Have their voices been subsumed into the dominant language? What answers can you provide based on the texts? What tensions can you locate?
8.     We live in a world of intense, complicated, and diverse relationships among billions of people. Throughout most of its history our species has lived in small, scattered communities of foragers and hunters. Questions about the ways in which humans have multiplied on the earth and come to relate to one another in such a variety of ways are fundamental to historical investigation. With this in mind, how do the authors we have read address the complexity of cultures coming in contact with one another?
9.     What we now perceive as the identity of the United States of America is certainly complex and difficult to articulate. Some would say it calls to mind words like freedom, democracy, fairness, and equality. Others might say that it also demands adjectives like arrogant, manipulative, hypocritical, violent, and selfish. Perhaps Native Americans, more than any other group of Americans, are in a position to add insight into the discussion. The history of interaction between Indian people and Euroamericans, from one perspective, can be seen as the founding fabric of this contemporary nation, and the issues that Native American people have faced (and continue to face) because of colonization provide a lens through which we can examine both Native American reality/identity and American reality/identity. With this in mind, what portrait of a United States identity do the texts we have read paint? Why is this portrait significant? How has this portrait contributed to understanding our nationhood? (Note: I am not excluding the interaction of other peoples, especially African Americans, but I am focusing on Native/Euroamerican interaction for the purposes of this class).
10.  When we read things in an academic setting we often seek mastery over texts. This seems natural after all: teachers call on us in class; we take exams that demand mastery; we receive “rewards” for overcoming “problems” in texts and finding solutions. But, on one level, seeking mastery involves limiting what we read—restricting the range of possible meanings, imposing a value structure, establishing binary oppositions, pulling what is ultimately unknowable into a containable framework. Of course, this is also the process of colonization: exercising control over what is “Other” and imposing organizational or technological “superiority” over a native population. To what extent has your reading and our classroom discussions been acts of colonization? How is it possible to get around this dilemma? What gestures, actions, ways of reading, or possibilities for exploring the world do the authors we have read suggest that may be helping in teaching and reading Native American literature in a noncolonizing way?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Cave of Forgotten Dreams: Ecce homo spiritus

We're going to see part of Cave of Forgotten Dreams in class tomorrow. Think about your spiritual ideas, the Sacred Tree, and about how you see ancient and contemporary spirituality:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Eves, incarnations, oracular divinations

Loving this medium because it is ever-moving, ever-living, very much like the Sacred Tree, whose teaching shows "the path to love, compassion, generosity, patience, wisdom, justice, courage, respect, humility and many other wonderful gifts."

For those who haven't seen it, Pan's Labyrinth  

Also, see The Fountain

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Questions for Writing and Discussion in Class: Lone Ranger and Tonto (Alexie)

Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven Discussion Questions for Class

1. What parallels can you draw between the American Indian life depicted in this book and what you may have learned in other contexts about societies in transition or cultures that have been colonized?

2. What view of justice towards American Indians is depicted in "The Trail of Thomas Builds-the-Fire"? What events does Thomas testify about? How effective is this chapter in engaging the themes of the book? 

3. Alexie has been quoted saying, "Everything is a matter of perception." How has this book influenced your perception of American Indian experience as it is lived today? From your background knowledge, do you believe this book is representative of American Indian tribes in general?

4. Attempting to hold onto cultural traditions while assimilating into the modern world appears to be the challenge for American Indians as well as many non-Indians. What insight does Alexie offer?  Does he suggest that only the individual can determine the answer? Provide examples from the book to support your perception.

5. In the story "A Drug Called Tradition," the narrator talks about skeletons that represent the past and the future. How does he describe these skeletons and how must a young Indian relate to them?  What is he saying about tradition in this selection?

6. Humor and despair intermingle throughout the stories. What are some examples of this intermingling that impressed you as especially important? What is the point of this ambivalence?

7. The narrator's mother asks him to write a "good story" because she wants readers to know "that good things always happen to Indians, too." (p. 140) What story does he tell? Why do you think he concludes with "Believe me, there is just barely enough goodness in all of this"?

8. Junior graduates as valedictorian of a non-reservation farm town school. He comments that back on the reservation his former classmates graduate, but a few can't read and others are given  "attendance diplomas." The bright students who graduate from the reservation school, he says, are  "shaken, frightened, because they don't know what comes next." (p. 180) How would you explain their fear even though they have been successful in their school?

9. In the Fun House chapter, Aunt Nezzy made "a full-length beaded dress that was too heavy for anyone to wear" (76).  She then stated, "When a woman comes along who can carry the weight of this dress on her back, then we will have found the one who will save us all." From your readings in other subjects, to what mythic or heroic archetypes can you compare the challenge of wearing Aunt Nezzy's dress?

10. After reading The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, what significance and symbolism  can you derive from his title choice for this collection?  How do these two pop-culture icons of the title-the lone Ranger and Tonto, television partners who battle crime-connect with the recurring themes of the book?

11. Despite repeated references to self-destruction, racism, poverty, alcoholism, despair, and domestic violence, how do these American Indians keep hope alive?

12. In "The Only Traffic Signal on the Reservation Doesn't Flash Red Anymore," the author notes:  "But it's almost like Indians can easily survive the big stuff. Mass murder, loss of language and land rights. It's the small things that hurt the most. The waitress who wouldn't take an order, Tonto, the Washington Redskins." (49).  How do you react to this statement? To what extent can you relate it to your own observations or experiences?

13. How surprised were you by Victor's treatment of a fellow Indian in the selection titled  "Amusements"?  How do you explain his behavior?

14. How does Junior's relationship with his white girlfriend in Seattle reveal his conflicts and fears about his place in society beyond the reservation?

15. In "Someone Kept Saying Powwow," Junior describes Norma as "a cultural lifeguard." After he revealed to her how he had joined with others to mistreat a struggling black basketball player during college, why was she finally able to forgive him?  Where else in the collection does the theme of forgiveness play a role?

16. In the book’s opening story, as Victor’s uncles, Adolph and Arnold, fight in the yard, and someone shouts that they might kill each other. But the narrator writes,  “Nobody disagreed and nobody moved to change the situation. Witnesses. They were all witnesses and nothing more. For hundreds of years, Indians were witnesses to crimes of an epic scale” [3]. What are the crimes Native Americans have witnessed? What effects do these crimes have on the circumstances and behavior of the characters in Alexie’s stories?

17. In the story, “A Drug Called Tradition,” how does tradition function like a drug for Native Americans? What does it offer them? What does it let them dream of?

18. The narrator of “The Only Traffic Signal on the Reservation Doesn’t Flash Red Anymore” observes, “It’s hard to be optimistic on the reservation. When a glass sits on a table here, people don’t wonder if it’s half filled or half empty. They just hope it’s good beer” [49]. Why is this mixture of humor and despair so effective in expressing the mood of life on the reservation? Where else do such moments occur in the collection?

19. In “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,” Thomas Builds-the-Fire  has a dream in which he is told to go to Spokane and wait for a vision. What does his vision turn out to be?

20. What kind of transition exists between the first two chapters “Every Little Hurricane” and “A Drug Called Tradition”? What “tradition” (or traditions) is Alexie drawing our attention to ( ie - family traditions, social traditions?), and how is this tradition like a drug ? What effect has “tradition” had in Victor’s life, as well as the people on the Spokane Reservation in general—positive, negative? 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today in Class: Vizenor ad the Trickster

Films for the Humanities: Gerald Vizenor on the Trickster

Gerald Vizenor on the Trickster (TAKE NOTES)

In-Class Activity

Testing What Vizenor Says

Groups of 4 (Count off to 6)
  1. Part 9 (Magical Master Rabbit)
  2. Part 10 (Nanabozho and Whiskey Jack)
  3. Part 11 (Old Man Napi)
  4. Part 12 (Glooskap the Great)
  5. Part 13 (Skeleton Man)
  6. Part 14 (Raven Lights in the World)
How do Vizenor's ideas apply?
How does applying Vizenor's ideas help us understand American Indian culture?
Is his depiction of the Trickster accurate? Why or why not?
What significance do you find after thinking of these tales in light of what Vizenor says?

Monday, January 23, 2012

American Holocaust (film for class with discussion afterwards)

Vizenor on the Cosmic Significance of the Comic

Follow the Trickroutes: An Interview with Gerald Vizenor
Publication Details:Survival This Way: Interviews with American Indian Poets. Sun Tracks and the University of Arizona Press, 1987. p287-310.

Life is not static. Philosophically, I think we should break out of all the routes, all the boxes, break down the sides. A comic spirit demands that we break from formula, break out of program, and there are some familiar ways to do it and then some radical or unknown ways. I suppose I am preoccupied with this theme because the characters I admire in my own imagination and the characters I would like to make myself be break out of things. They break out of all restrictions. They even break out of their blood. They break out of the mixture in their blood. They break out of invented cultures and repression. I think it's a spiritual quest in a way. I don't feel that it's transcendence--or escape as transcendence. That's not the theme I'm after, but I'm after an idea of the comic, that the adventures of living and the strategies of survival are chances. They're mysteries because they're left to chance. Life is a chance, all life is a chance. And that's a comic spirit. A tragic spirit is to trudge down the same trial, try to build a better path, make another fortune, build another monument and contribute it to a museum and establish more institutions to disguise our mortality. I consider all of that a formula to control and oppress--not evil, not in an evil manner, but it does control. So, I feel this need to break out of the measures that people make.

Trickster Articles

Here are two important articles on the Trickster. I will reference both of these tomorrow. As you will see, much has been said about the cultural and spiritual significance of this wily figure. You can find both of these in the Ramsey Library research database JSTOR:

ARTICLE ONE (Vizenor, a very important American Indian theorist and expert on the trickster)

Trickster Discourse
Author(s): Gerald Vizenor
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Wicazo Sa Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, Native American Literatures (Spring, 1989), pp. 2-7
Published by: University of Minnesota Press
Stable URL:

ARTICLE TWO (important article on the sacred nature of the trickster)

Trickster: Shaman of the Liminal
Author(s): Larry Ellis
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Studies in American Indian Literatures, Series 2, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Winter 1993), pp. 55-68
Published by: University of Nebraska Press
Stable URL:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Today I have been making Prezis to help you navigate the course and also to introduce important historical and cultural information. Follow the links below for detailed presentations. Note the second and third links lead to vital articles you should read and comment upon sometime in the next couple of weeks in your blogs.

Syllabus, timeline, overview of syllabus, and Blogger set-up instructions in Prezi:

Historical Introduction to American Indian Literature (Roemer):

Historical and Cultural Contexts:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

On this day before class I am thinking about the Navajo Night Chant, a beautiful, lyrical piece used as part of a multi-day ceremony. I will paste the text, and here is the link I am using:

Translated excerpt from the Navajo original
(These sections are numbered I, II, III etc, but these numberings reflect only their listing here, and are not indicative of their Traditional order)

House made of dawn.
House made of evening light.
House made of the dark cloud.
House made of male rain.
House made of dark mist.
House made of female rain.
House made of pollen.
House made of grasshoppers.

Dark cloud is at the door.
The trail out of it is dark cloud.
The zigzag lightning stands high upon it.
An offering I make.
Restore my feet for me.
Restore my legs for me.
Restore my body for me.
Restore my mind for me.
Restore my voice for me.
This very day take out your spell for me.

Happily I recover.
Happily my interior becomes cool.
Happily I go forth.
My interior feeling cool, may I walk.
No longer sore, may I walk.
Impervious to pain, may I walk.
With lively feelings may I walk.
As it used to be long ago, may I walk.

Happily may I walk.
Happily, with abundant dark clouds, may I walk.
Happily, with abundant showers, may I walk.
Happily, with abundant plants, may I walk.
Happily on a trail of pollen, may I walk.
Happily may I walk.
Being as it used to be long ago, may I walk.

May it be beautiful before me.
May it be beautiful behind me.
May it be beautiful below me.
May it be beautiful above me.
May it be beautiful all around me.
In beauty it is finished.
In beauty it is finished.

'Sa'ah naaghéi, Bik'eh hózhó

Now Talking God
With your feet I walk.
I walk with your limbs
I carry forth your body
For me your mind thinks
Your voice speaks for me
Beauty is before me
And beauty is behind me
Above and below me hovers the beautiful
I am surrounded by it
I am immersed in it
In my youth I am aware of it
And in old age I shall walk quietly
The beautiful trail.

The mountains, I become part of it . . .
The herbs, the fir tree, I become part of it.
The morning mists, the clouds, the gathering waters,
I become part of it.
The wilderness, the dew drops, the pollen . . .
I become part of it.

May it be delightful my house;
From my head may it be delightful;
To my feet may it be delightful;
Where I lie may it be delightful;
All above me may it be delightful;
All around me may it be delightful.

'Sa'ah naaghéi, Bik'eh hózhó

From the base of the east.
From the base of the Pelado Peak.
From the house made of mirage,
From the story made of mirage,
From the doorway of rainbow,
The path out of which is the rainbow,
The rainbow passed out with me,
The rainbow rose up with me.
Through the middle of broad fields,
The rainbow returned with me.
To where my house is visible,
The rainbow returned with me.
To the roof of my house,
The rainbow returned with me.
To the entrance of my house,
The rainbow returned with me.
To just within my house,
The rainbow returned with me.
To my fireside,
The rainbow returned with me.
To the center of my house,
The rainbow returned with me.
At the fore part of my house with the dawn,
The Talking God sits with me.
The House God sits with me.
Pollen Boy sits with me.
Grasshopper Girl sits with me.
In beauty my Mother, for her I return.
Beautifully my fire to me is restored.
Beautifully my possessions are to me restored.
Beautifully my soft goods to me are restored.
Beautifully my hard goods to me are restored.
Beautifully my horses to me are restored.
Beautifully my sheep to me are restored.
Beautifully my old men to me are restored.
Beautifully my old women to me are restored.
Beautifully my young men to me are restored.
Beautifully my women to me are restored.
Beautifully my children to me are restored.
Beautifully my wife to me are restored.
Beautifully my chiefs to me are restored.
Beautifully my country to me are restored.
Beautifully my fields to me are restored.
Beautifully my house to me are restored.
Talking God sits with me.
House God sits with me.
Pollen Boy sits with me.
Grasshopper Girl sits with me.
Beautifully white corn to me is restored.
Beautifully yellow corn to me is restored.
Beautifully blue corn to me is restored.
Beautifully corn of all kinds to me is restored.
In beauty may I walk.
All day long may I walk.
Through the returning seasons may I walk.
On the trailed marked with pollen may I walk.
With grasshoppers about my feet may I walk.
With dew about my feet may I walk.
With beauty may I walk.
With beauty before me, may I walk.
With beauty behind me, may I walk.
With beauty above me, may I walk.
With beauty below me, may I walk.
With beauty all around me, may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk.
In old age wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk.
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.

'Sa'ah naaghéi, Bik'eh hózhó

In the house made of dawn,
In the house made of evening twilight,
In the house made of dark cloud,

In the house made of rain and mist, of pollen, of grasshoppers,
Where the dark mist curtains the doorway,
The path to which is on the rainbow,
Where the zig-zag lightning stands high on top,
Where the he-rain stands high on top, Oh, Father God!

With your moccasins of dark cloud, come to us,
With your mind enveloped in dark cloud, come to us,
With the dark thunder above you, come to us soaring,
With the shapen cloud at your feet, come to us soaring.
With the far darkness made of the dark cloud over your head, come to us soaring,
With the far darkness made of the rain and the mist over your head, come to us soaring,
With the far darkness made of the rain and the mist over your head, come to us soaring.
With the zig-zag lightning flung out high over your head,
With the rainbow hanging high over your head, come to us soaring.
With the far darkness made of the dark cloud on the ends of your wings,
With the far darkness made of the rain and the mist on the ends of your wings, come to us soaring,
With the zig-zag lightning, with the rainbow hanging high on the ends of your wings, come to us soaring.
With the near darkness made of dark cloud of the rain and the mist, come to us,
With the darkness on the earth, come to us.
With these I wish the foam floating on the flowing water over the roots of the great corn,
I have made your sacrifice,
I have prepared a smoke for you,
My feet restore for me.
My limbs restore, my body restore,
my mind restore,
my voice restore for me.

Today, take out your spell for me,
Today, take away your spell for me.
Away from me you have taken it,
Far off from me it is taken,
Far off you have done it.

Happily I recover,
Happily I become cool,
My eyes regain their power,
my head cools,
my limbs regain their strength,
I hear again.
Happily for me the spell is taken off,
Happily I walk; impervious to pain,
I walk; light within, I walk; joyous,
I walk.

Abundant dark clouds I desire,
An abundance of vegetation I desire,
An abundance of pollen, abundant dew, I desire.
Happily may fair white corn, to the ends of the earth, come with you,
Happily may fair yellow corn, fair blue corn, fair corn of all kinds,
plants of all kinds, goods of all kinds, jewels of all kinds, to the ends of
the earth, come with you.
With these before you, happily may they come with you,
With these behind, below, above, around you, happily may they come with you,

Thus you accomplish your tasks.
Happily the old men will regard you,
Happily the old women will regard you,
The young men and the young women will regard you,
The children will regard you,
The chiefs will regard you,
Happily, as they scatter in different directions, they will regard you,
Happily, as they approach their homes, they will regard you.

May their roads home be on the trail of peace,
Happily may they all return,
In beauty I walk.
With beauty before me, I walk.
With beauty behind me, I walk.
With beauty above and about me, I walk.
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.

'Sa'ah naaghéi, Bik'eh hózhó